Brand Building Workshops

Our educational workshops are aimed at helping business owners and marketing professionals build stronger relationships with their audiences.

Workshops are 60 minutes long and are conducted online via Zoom. They are free and available to Imbue Creative newsletter subscribers and clients.

If a workshop that you are interested in is full, be sure to sign up here for our newsletter so you are the first to know of the most recently added dates and future new topics.

Imbue Creative is currently offering 3 workshops:

Identifying and Reaching Your Ideal Prospect

The best way to understand how to reach your audiences through the right channels, both digital and traditional, is to clearly define your best prospects. This workshop will walk you through our highly-effective (and fun) “persona development” process, which will help you develop your own plan for clearly defining and leveraging your core buyer personas. Topics will include:

  • Defining facts, behavior patterns, goals, and pain points.
  • Understanding the motivation behind the actions of your prospects.
  • Moving beyond target markets or job titles to start defining your prospects as real people—real purchasers with real needs—so you can reach them where they are most likely to engage.

By learning our proven process, you will have the tools you need to continually target and refine your ideal prospects so you can work to connect with them through more-relevant content, designs, and user experiences.

Upcoming Dates (Click/touch a date to register)



Digital Marketing: A Crash Course

You can cost-effectively reach a very specific audience through targeted digital marketing. You can also waste a lot of time and money if you don’t take a strategic and human approach.

This workshop will help you understand how to best reach your audiences through the right channels and speak clearly to them so they are more likely to engage. We’ll also cover how to supplement your digital marketing programs with other coordinated efforts that will boost exposure and get your brand in front of more of the right people.

You’ve probably heard all of the buzzwords: SEO, SEM, Retargeting, Native Advertising, Social Advertising, Mobile Conquesting, Google Ads, IP Targeting…the list goes on. We’ll help you make sense of it all and make the best decision for your business or organization, so you can reach the right people.

Upcoming Dates (Click/touch a date to register)



Planning and Building a Lead-Generating Website

Your website works a 24/7 shift, providing customers with information about your brand and helping to close new business. Often, your site is the only thing a prospective customer compares between you and your competitors before making a buying decision. Your site’s user experience will make or break its effectiveness; and how it’s actually built will make or break your ability to manage content, keep the site secure, and keep it up and running with minimal downtime.

This workshop will review our key steps to creating (or updating) a website that works hard for your organization. Topics will include:

  • Outline and structure planning.
  • User experience and design.
  • Choosing the right technology (and developer).
  • Content planning for maximum engagement.
  • Opportunities for lead-generation functionality.

Our tips and tricks from over 15 years of website design, writing, and marketing experience will help you plan, or redesign, a website that generates and captures leads, and helps nurture them into lifelong clients.

Upcoming Dates (Click/touch a date to register)



Have an idea for a future workshop? We want to hear it!

Interested in having us present one of our workshops at your organization’s location in the future? Let’s talk