Digital Publishing. Imagine the Possibilities.

Print to PixelsApple recently announced the new iPad 2. Wow, it’s been barely a year since the first iPad, and Apple has delivered a more-evolved version. Tablets are the thing now. Motorola’s Xoom, Research In Motion’s Playbook, and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab are all vying to compete with the iPad.

Why are these devices so important?

The way we consume the printed word is changing—again. Amazon turned the retail landscape of book selling on its side with the Kindle and now sells more digital eBooks than printed copies. Thanks to the Nook eBook reader, (Barnes & Noble’s online store) sells more eBooks than printed books as well.

As interactive media in the 90s blossomed with the introduction of the CD-ROM in personal computers, these new tablet devices offer an amazing amount of similar interactively. Add to that the ability to interact with content by touch, and you have a whole new experience. Imagine the possibilities:

  • Interactive children’s pop-up books
  • Magazines with dynamic content and advertisements
  • Location-aware content for books, brochures, and catalogs
  • Embedded video training for products or services

What does all this mean?

Let’s face it—tablets and eBook readers are here to stay. This means that the next digital media revolution is already taking place. It’s time to dual publish your catalog, magazine, book, or multi-page company brochure as a digital document for tablets, such as the iPad and Xoom.

What can Imbue do for you?

Let our team of print and digital media experts help you:

  • Dual publish your printed piece in digital format
  • Convert previous print or web publications to a format suitable for tablets
  • Provide your readers with new and innovative ways to interact with your stories, articles, or reports
  • Help create that “Next Big Thing” you’ve been dreaming about for years….

Now’s the time!


Smith, Tony. “Amazon: e-books outsell dead-tree copies.” Register Hardware. 28 Jan. 2011.
Jones, Philip. “ selling more ebooks than print, but at what cost.” Futurebook. 22 Feb. 2011.