As life gets more and more digital, cyber-thieves are getting more and more clever. Don’t let them steal from you. One of the ways you can protect yourself is by using strong passwords that are hard to crack. While we understand it’s easier to remember the password “fluffy123” than “r29B#$67mR”, the second of those two passwords is far more secure. Here are some tips:

  • Longer passwords are better passwords
  • Use both upper case and lower case letters, along with numbers and symbols to increase password strength
  • Invest in a password manager (which is also password protected by a strong password). Two of our favorite password managers are SplashID Safe and 1Password.
  • Make commonly used passwords easy to remember by using the first character of each word in a sentence to construct them. For example: “I used to eat 8 Starbursts at a time, but now I stick to 2 Twizzlers” would be “Iute8S@atbnIst2T”. Now that one is hard to crack!