Digital Dog Direct TruckOutdoor media formats have long been an effective way to reach certain target markets. In ancient Pompeii, outdoor advertising was regularly used in local elections; and, if you visit the ruins of this Roman city today, you will find that many of these ads still survive. When in Pompeii, do what the Pompeiians do? Not necessarily everything, especially if you don’t fancy staying in one position for an eternity. However, the Pompeiians knew something that we at Imbue have always recognized: outdoor media can be an important part of a marketing plan.

Outdoor media broadly fits into four categories: Billboards, Street Furniture, Transit Media, and Other. Other! Other is a very general category that encompasses such things as advertising on cups, bags, and quite a bit of the guerilla marketing items you may walk on or encounter in busy pedestrian areas. Transit Media is just that: ads placed on vehicles like the signs you may see on the side of a bus or the name of a company and its tagline on the back of a truck. Street furniture is advertising that requires a piece of furniture, like a bench, for positioning and that is designed for viewing while walking or riding. Billboards, they’re not just a large painted advertisement anymore for billboards continue to evolve with modern technology and have gone digital in recent years—a far different billboard than the ones used by Pompeiian candidates for office.

Our client, Digital Dog Direct, is a leading direct marketing solutions provider. They deliver a lot of product by truck the entire working day throughout New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Since a delivery truck is frequently on public display, there are continual opportunities for sending visual messages to all types of viewers and prospects all day long. A plain, nondescript truck completes its core function of delivering product, but a well-design truck wrap advertising the firm and its service offerings would attract attention and create awareness everywhere the truck goes.

Imbue presented Digital Dog Direct with two truck-wrap designs, each of which included a version for the side and the back of the truck. Since the space was large, each design needed to be simple, concise, and to the point. The actual “advertisement” needed to create awareness of the company and its services, be striking, memorable, and offer a quick read since the advertisement would be in motion much of the time.

Digital Dog Direct selected the design you see on the truck pictured in this blog post. The design strengthens the brand wherever it goes, pitches services, and acts as a calling card with contact information. There’s even a QR code available for smart phone users to go directly to a special landing page on the Digital Dog Direct website—a traditional media format made even more relevant with new media. It’s a moving billboard that can catch the attention of a new prospect or re-enforce the loyalty of a valued customer just as it passes by, making use of every opportunity presented whether parked or on the road.

How are you using new media to enhance tried and true traditional approaches? Please start a conversation or share your ideas with our readers by commenting on this post.
