Search Engine Optimization

While there are a variety of methods for increasing hits on your web site from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, there are a few basics that no web site should overlook.

  • First, make sure you have some relevant text on every page (not just images) and never create an entire page out of an image (search engines can’t read text that is part of an image). Well written text is the first step in generating traffic from search engines.
  • Second, ensure your web designer or agency puts appropriate keywords in the page title (the part that shows at the top of the browser window) for every page.
  • Lastly, ask your  agency or web designer to make sure there is relevant and descriptive text in the “Description” tag for all of your pages. The Description tag is hidden to site visitors, but is very important to the search engines that are deciding whether or not to show your site.

There are many more ways to help increase traffic from search engines, but these basics will ensure they can easily find out what your site is all about. After all, search engines want to make finding information easy for their users — so we need to make it easy for search engines to understand what our sites offer a potential visitor.
