Imbue is a HubSpot Marketing Partner based in New Jersey.

Quick – name the top 3 brands in the world.

I guessed Apple, Google, and Microsoft right away and I was right! I am guessing that you got that right, too.

Now Name the Top B2B Brands

Not so easy is it? A few came to mind for me – FedEx, Intel, HubSpot. Well, HubSpot may have surfaced for me because we use the inbound marketing and sales platform to generate and nurture leads for many of our clients.

But a deeper dive into the company shows me that HubSpot truly is an awesome B2B brand that is currently dominating its space in the marketplace.

Here are Three Ways HubSpot Keeps its Brand Top of Mind:

  1. The Company Kicks Butt on Social Media

Clocking in at 133K LinkedIn, 656K Twitter, and 931K Facebook followers as I write this, HubSpot is constantly giving its audience useful tips and tricks that will help them grow their business. In fact, The Content Strategist names it as one of the top “5 Brands that Rock LinkedIn.”

Unafraid to steer its followers to other brands, HubSpot shares great content like how to use Instagram for business, what makes Facebook ads successful, and how to use Snapchat to grow your audience.

  1. The Brand Emphasizes Substance over Style

While the brand does strut some design mojo, the practicality of its content always comes first. Yes, all roads ultimately lead to signing up new HubSpot users, but you never get the feeling they are trying to sell you something. Quite the contrary.

From providing advice on How to Use Hashtags, to giving away free Marketing Budget Templates, HubSpot is more than willing to drop a ton of knowledge on anyone who happens to visit their website. Take a look at the HubSpot Marketing Library—you’ll immediately want to download a few dozen eBooks right on the spot.

  1. Corporate Content is Easily Cited by Others

Everywhere you look, B2B bloggers, business media journalists, and marketing companies reference useful HubSpot research and information. You might want to check out a few of these yourself…

Chances are you were already aware of HubSpot before you read this. If not, you will surely start noticing the brand all over the place. And I guarantee that when you do, you will find a few freebie HubSpot takeaways that you will put to use right away to help make your brand become ubiquitous in your space too.
