Website SecurityA website is only as strong as its weakest link.

With more and more stories about website security breaches and stronger cyber attacks appearing in the news, employing a security strategy for your website is not just a good idea—it’s imperative.

Here are three quick tips for keeping your website secure:

Tip 1: Use Strong Passwords

Weak passwords make it very easy for hackers to gain access to your website. If your password is something simple like a pet’s name or your phone number and zip code, you’re asking for trouble. Check out this blog post to find out how to create a strong password.

Tip 2: Track IP Addresses

Ask your web developer to track the IP addresses that visit your website. If one of them shows a pattern of repeated failed website-login attempts, then you can block the address and prevent a potential hacker from gaining access.

Tip 3: Employ CAPTCHA and SPAM Protection

Okay, so those annoying weird words we have to type in at the end of a form are a bother, aren’t they? The truth is that they stop hackers and spammers from automatically filling out forms. They also help prevent hackers from gaining access to your website through a specific type of attack called an SQL Injection. Protect your site with a CAPTCHA on all forms and have your web developer implement strong SPAM-blocking measures throughout your website.

If you’re using a content management system like WordPress® or Drupal™ to manage your site’s content, ask your web development team to update your website’s security on a regular basis. That’s simply the best way to try to stay one step ahead of the bad guys. Of course, a regular backup strategy is critical to recovering quickly in the event that your website is compromised.

