Making data-informed decisions about your social media content and schedule can help your business reach its bottom-line goals. In honor of #SocialMediaDay, we’re sharing 12 social media statistics for your business to put into practice to help increase your results!

We analyzed over 1,000 posts across LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook to uncover the best types of posts and best days of the week to publish your posts so your company can utilize social media to drive real growth.

When it comes to posting on social media to drive business growth, we always recommend testing and measuring the results of your strategy. Keep your specific audience in mind and create content that will cater to their needs and desires. Test out different post types and days of the week to see what resonates most with your audience!


Our process

We pulled data on over 1,000 posts that have been published on our client accounts in the first half of 2022. Once we gathered the data, we dug deeper to find answers to a few questions:

  • Are there specific days of the week that tend to drive the highest average impressions – the number of accounts seeing our posts in their feed – on each platform?
  • Do we see higher engagements – the number of people Liking, Commenting or Sharing our posts – on a certain day of the week for each platform?
  • Is there a certain day that is best for driving clicks on posts and associated webpages?
  • Are there specific types of content, such as photos, videos or links, that generate more engagement?

Leveraging social media statistics can help your business have a better sense of what to post, and when to post certain things based on your goals. For example, if you’re planning to post a photo on LinkedIn with a link encouraging viewers to buy your offer, Wednesday may drive the most clicks. If you’re hoping to boost your reach and following on Instagram this month, you may want to post a Reel on a Sunday.

Read on to learn more about what we uncovered, and how you can apply social media statistics to your own business!


LinkedIn Statistics to Drive Business Growth

  • Video posts generate 119% more impressions and 3x more engagements than other post types on LinkedIn
  • Photo posts on LinkedIn generate 3x more clicks than other post types
  • Wednesdays are the top-performing day of the week on average for LinkedIn posts, generating 44% more engagements and 155% more clicks on posts
  • LinkedIn posts on Sundays generate 26% more impressions

Our LinkedIn research showed that while videos tend to drive the highest impressions and engagements on average, photo posts are likely to drive the most clicks.

Your business can leverage videos on LinkedIn as sharable content by covering trending topics, sharing industry insights, and educating your audience. For posts designed to encourage action such as making a purchase, contacting a sales rep or signing up for an opt-in, test out a photo paired with a strong call to action.

LinkedIn is known for its business-minded audience, so consider posting during usual lunch hours on workdays, or on weekends when users are most likely to be scrolling social media. We found that posts on Wednesdays and Sundays tend to perform best and generate the highest average impressions, engagements and clicks.


Instagram Statistics to Drive Business Growth

  • Reels generate an average of 8x more impressions and 2x more engagements than other post types on Instagram
  • Carousel posts on Instagram generate 3x more interactions than other post types
  • Sundays are the top-performing day of the week on average for Instagram posts, generating 47% more impressions and 31% more engagements
  • Instagram posts shared on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays tend to generate 50% more interactions such as profile visits, website taps and new followers

Over the past few months, we’ve seen the rise of Instagram Reels and we don’t expect it to slow down anytime soon! Reels tend to have a higher reach than other post types as Instagram focuses more and more on video content. Your business can leverage Reels by sharing behind-the-scenes, how-to guides, team introductions, educational tips and more in video form.

Carousel posts are also a great type of content to leverage on Instagram and can help drive engagement and interactions such as profile clicks and website taps. Encourage viewers to “swipe through” all slides by sharing step-by-step processes, quick tips and more.

Instagram users may be most active on the weekends – our clients Instagram accounts tend to see the best results on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. We encourage you to consider your ideal followers and what days of the week they’d be most active on social media, as well as what days they may be likely to seek out information related to your business.


Facebook Statistics to Drive Business Growth

  • Photos are the top-performing post type on Facebook, generating 159% more impressions than other post types
  • Photo posts also bring in 3x more engagements and 3x more clicks than other post types
  • Tuesdays are the top-performing day of the week for engagement on Facebook, bringing in 44% more engagements and 2x more clicks than other days
  • Facebook posts on Sundays tend to generate 33% more impressions

Posts with one or more photos tend to perform the best on Facebook. These posts bring in, on average, 159% more impressions, 3x more engagements and 3x more clicks than other post types. We recommend sharing company news, employee highlights, information on your offers and more in image formats on Facebook.

Wondering what days to post to your business Facebook page? We’ve found posts on Tuesdays and Sundays generate the highest impressions, engagements and clicks. If your company is hoping to increase your reach, test out posts on Sundays. If you’re striving to drive click-throughs to your website, try posting on Tuesdays.

Ready to analyze the results of your marketing efforts? Check out this blog on running a Mid-Year Marketing Check-In!
